
DAY #4...

7-1_zpse459ed29 1_copy.jpg 2_copy gab_zps6fcf06b2 sunny_zps46992b1a sofir1_zps10281108 ORACLE_zps40be76c3 LEFASHION3_zpscacd915c jacket_zpsfece39e1 fmn5_zps85d49d00 fmn_zpsc2994844 dress_zps22d879cf cool_zps5a79bef5 5-2_zps870614c4 3-1_zps5fe08ac7

... of being in bed with an evil illness. Today's big activity has been making a bouncy ball from a kit made for 8-year-olds and watching 9 episodes of The O.C. Big day.

I have promised myself in a New Year's Resolution-esque capacity to make this blog a little more personal but right now, even if i had the best wardrobe on the planet, no one wants to see this pasty mug so for today i'll settle for some other peoples.



  1. HI! I love your blog!

    9 Episodes is quite an achievement! Hope you feel better soon, and check out my blog if you're really bored


    Alabama x

  2. Also where is the image with the embroidered black jacket and lace top from? I really need the jacket! Thanks


  3. Hi Alabama,

    Tell me about it i need that jacket so much, but sadly it's just a Pinterest snap. If you find out - let me know...

    Will def check out the blog, thanks v much, A x
