
Larsson and Adidas

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Two victories yesterday....

1. I took delivery of my new Larsson and Jennings watch. So simple, so slick and my new favourite toy (will post more about this later).

2. My sister gave me some of my Mum's old sportswear stash at last... She's been hoarding all Mum's best old school sweatshirts much to my chagrin and two of them came my way yesterday after many years of begging. YAY. Now i can really perfect my 90s revival with authenticity. Winning.

Worn with Topshop jeans//Mum's 80s earrings//Nike Air trainers//Hermes Medor watch//vintage gold bangle

1 comment:

  1. I WANT VINTAGE SPORTSWEAR. It's so hard to find sportwear secondhand in good condition. It's so rad though!

    The Lovelorn
